Hey clr.fund folks!
I’ve been coordinating with the ETHDenver team about using branded/white-labelled instances of clr.fund to pay out the prizepool for this year’s hackathon BUIDLathon. Here is a quick overview of the current plan.
There will be a separate instance of clr.fund for each track in the hackathon (Open and Impact)
There will be two rounds of voting. The first is done by the judges, and is primarily used to reduce the number of projects down to the hard cap of 125 that each instance of clr.fund can handle. The second is a clr.fund round.
We will use the simple registry contracts and manually add both recipients and users, based on lists that ETHDenver provides. (we may need a script to do this in a timely, and less error-prone, manor)
We will be the coordinators of the rounds
The rounds will run concurrently and will each last less than a day
The native token will be “SPORK”, a yet-to-be-created ERC20 token that serves as an IOU for Dai. (This is necessary for KYC purposes, otherwise we would just use wxDai like in our current rounds)
SPORK will be distributed to the judges to confer their vote weight in the round.
SPORK may also be purchasable via a vending machine contract at a fixed price in Dai, so that other hackathon participants can contribute to the round.
@xuhcc & @spengrah, do you see any issues with this plan? Is there any additional information you guys need to help make this run smoothly?